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- Founded Loan Regular in 2012
- Fulfilled Dreams of 5K + Customers
- So far disbursed 250+ crores Loans.
- Partnered with 97 banks.
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Loan Calculator
Using the calculator is straight forward. User enters a "loan amount", "number of months", "annual interest rate". The calculator calculates the number of monthly payments.
The "Payment Method" determines when the first payment is due. With the default selection, "End-of-Period", the first payment will be due one month after the loan is made. If "Start-of-Period" is selected, then the first payment will be due on the loan date.
The term (duration) of the loan is expressed as a number of months.
- 60 months = 5 years
- 120 months = 10 years
- 180 months = 15 years
- 240 months = 20 years
- 360 months = 30 years
Need more options including the ability to solve for other unknowns, change payment / compounding frequency and the ability to print an amortization schedule? Please visit, https://financial-calculators.com/loan-calculator
Currency and Date Conventions
All calculators will remember your choice. You may also change it at any time.
Clicking "Save changes" will cause the calculator to reload. Your edits will be lost.
Calculator Disclaimer
The repayment amount shown using this calculator is an estimate, based on information you have provided. It is provided for illustrative purposes only and actual repayment amounts may vary. To find out actual repayment amounts, contact us. This calculation does not constitute a quote, loan approval, agreement or advice by Loan Regular. It does not take into account your personal or financial circumstances.
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Yes, the better your credit rating the more likely you are to get the lowest interest rates on your loan. For those with a bad credit profile, the higher interest rates reflect the increased risk on the part of the creditors in lending you money.
Interest rates are generally higher on shorter term loans, as there are increased administration costs in setting up the loan.